2022 Jabberwock Welcome Event Registration Participant Registration Jabberwock 2022 Scholarship Program's Welcome meeting is the official kick-off to this exciting program. The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is still accepting applications for Jabberwock contestants (ladies in grades 10 through 12) and escorts (young men in grades 10 through 12 or under the age of 21). The program offers young ladies the opportunity to receive personal development support, mentoring and a chance to earn valuable scholarship funds. Interested youth should register and attend the Welcome Meeting on Sunday, September 19, 2021. Name of Student:*FirstLast Age:* Student Email:* Phone Number:* School:* Grade:*Select value10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade How did you hear about this event?* Name of Parent/Guardian*FirstLast Parent Email* Parent Phone (Home) Parent Phone (Cell) Emergency Contact Name*FirstLast Emergency Contact Phone*SubmitReset