Jabberwock is a traditional program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The first Jabberwock event was created by Soror Marion Hope Conover of the Iota Chapter in Boston, Massachusetts and presented, in 1925, to raise money for the chapter’s Scholarship Fund. Soror Conover conceived the idea of a variety show with skits, dances, and songs in competition for prizes of varying amounts. She called this new kind of show a “Jabberwock” because it was inspired by the Jabberwock in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland.” Jabberwock has since evolved into a more diverse program that continues to raise funds for scholarships and other Delta Sigma Theta service projects.
The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter’s Jabberwock Scholarship Program offers young ladies in grades 11 & 12 an opportunity to become a Jabberwock Scholar and receive personal development support and mentoring to earn valuable scholarship funds for post-secondary education through the program’s partnership with the Delta Research & Educational Foundation (DREF). Our Jabberwock Committee works diligently to provide a curriculum that includes innovative educational, cultural, community service, and self-enrichment activities and programs.
All Scholars must meet the following requirements:
– Female students in grades 11-12.
– Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or C+ average.
– Resides in the Tri-state area (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware).
– Complete Scholar’s Profile Form and Delta Youth Application by the due date.
– Must be able to attend, virtual and in person activities, a minimum of 75%, including rehearsals.
– Must be able attend the Jabberwock main event in formal attire.
– Plan to attend a post-secondary educational institution.
For more information, contact the Jabberwock committee at jabberwock@phillyalumnae-dst.org