The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter Arts and Letters Committee mirrors the National Commission on Arts and Letters – to preserve, communicate and project all those art forms that express the black Experience in positive and liberating ways.
Signature Programs Include:
1) Delta Red Carpet Event: To support the National effort to create blockbuster opening weekend sales for selected films, art exhibits, dance, musical and spoken word performances and emerging artists. To maintain an arts and culture presence in our community
2) Reading for the Future: To support Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School. The objectives of the program are:
- To assist in re-building and circulation of the school library.
- To label are gifted books donated by members of PAC, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
- To seek collaborations with professional athletes, performers and literary personalities, to give performances and/or speak to students about the importance of literacy in their lives and the relevance to achievement and success in life.
- To provide each grade group with requested educational supplemental materials.
3) Fresh Artists “COOL JOBS” Program: supports the “Cool Jobs” program as a corporate sponsor and as volunteers for the event. The objective of the program are:
- To introduce seventh grade students to individuals doing “real” jobs in the creative community
- To provide through sponsorship, 20 backpacks (bags include sketchbook and pen, an inspirational message and additional career information) for participating students and a school bus for transportation to and from the event.
4) Young Artists Awards and Reception showcase student progress in art education
- To host and assist with the opening reception for the nearly 1500 pieces of artwork that will be displayed in the 2020 Young Artists Exhibit
- To provide monetary gifts to students for exemplary artwork, for the purpose of encouraging students to further their art education
- To provide a stipend to an exemplary school art teacher for the purchase of art supplies