We are happy to announce that Grand Chapter has given chapters the opportunity to purchase bulk orders of the 13th edition of the Ritual.
If you would like to purchase one through the chapter, please use the form below to order and make your payment. The cost of the Ritual is $20 if paying by check/money order or $21.25 if making an online payment.
Grand Chapter has given a strict deadline, so if you wish to purchase, we ask that you make your payment no later than March 2, 2022. Payments received after that date are subject to be refunded.
Rituals can be purchased via PayPal by completing the form below or check/money order by clicking the button for the Printable Ritual Order Form.
Checks/Money Order should be made payable to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Mail to: Delta Sigma Theta, PO Box 2356, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004